Frequently asked questions

Is WOWidget secure?

The app does not collect any user data. Check out the app privacy policy.
Use a https:// connection wherever possible.

One click installation?

Every manager's dream come true.
Ask your developer to set up a widget and share it with you.

Can I share my widgets?

Tap on the share button inside the WOWidget app and share your widget with your friends and colleagues.

Lock screen?

When viewing widgets on the lock screen, a small padlock is visible in the upper right corner. This means that some functionality is limited. iOS has a bug that prevents any website from loading on the lock screen. WOWidget regularly takes snapshots of active widgets and displays them as a fallback.

Apple watch?

WatchOS does not allow developers to work with websites. The only solution would be to push snapshots from iPhone. Based on my testing, that is not reliable enough.


Have a question? Or a recommendation? Would you like to help with the translations?
Let me know on twitter @WOWidget.